Text on screen: Are diets doing nothing for you?

Dr. Amy Lee: The number one reason why people regain their weight comes down to not changing the foundation. Often focus on taking out your fat. In reality it’s not about “stop eating fat”. A lot of people actually walk around not knowing they have risk factors, possible complications, fatigue from being overweight. My job is to tease out these preventable conditions. That could be accomplished by simple little things to help them lose as little as 5% of their body weight. Where you could be eating and feeding your body and still be losing weight and maintaining your muscle mass.

This is a Diet Soda

This diet soda was launched in 1982, as a “healthy” alternative to soda

Other brands soon followed

And since then, $900 BILLION dollars worth of Diet Sodas have been sold

These sodas boast of zero calories... and zero fat...

However, in March of 2015, a study conducted by the University of Texas Health Science Center, which had followed 749 adults, for a period of 9 years...

finally proved what many doctors and I had suspected all along:

Diet Sodas Are Making Us Fatter

I'm going to share the results of this shocking study with you in just a moment

However... Diet Sodas aren't nearly as bad as the

3 Harmful Foods I'm also going to reveal to you today

My name is Dr. Amy Lee. I'm the Founder and Director of the Integrative Wellness Center in Los Angeles,

and in this presentation I'm going to expose 3 “harmful foods” that are likely in your cupboards RIGHT NOW,

that could be putting a dagger through your weight loss goals...

These are foods that are BANNED in either the European Union, China, Canada, or Australia, due to health concerns

Yet... they are still legal right here in the U.S.

Now, I'm not talking about the “usual” things that you hear are bad for you... like gluten... carbs... or sweets...

You may be surprised to know gluten, carbs and sweets are OK to eat under certain circumstances, which I'll share with you in a minute

All 3 of the harmful foods I'm going to show you right now... are labeled and marketed as “health foods”!

When I reveal them to you, you will be shocked.

I'm also going to reveal to you my #1 carb you should never eat, EVER

This man-made carbohydrate is BANNED in Canada, China, and the European Union... yet somehow still legal in the U.S... where it is heavily marketed to children

The FDA is finally considering banning some of the items I'm going to share with you today... however I created this presentation so you can know which foods you need to avoid now

It's about time someone blew the whistle

In it, I'm going to show you a trick to instantly tell which health foods are TRULY helpful to your body... and which are full of garbage

I'm talking about preservatives and chemicals that clog up your digestive system... irritate your bowels... and get turned into ugly fat

Many are amazed how kicking just a few things from your diet can make your bathroom habits more regular, clear up your skin, and give you incredible amounts of energy

I'll show you why in a minute... and...

Today I'm also going to show you my 4 Natural Weight Loss Helpers – all from Mother Nature – that you can find in most organic grocery stores

If you are suffering from unwanted weight gain, pay close attention.

These 4 Natural Solutions are NOT “diet tricks” – although many of my patients will tell you they work like magic

What they do is improve your digestion... and help your process food with maximum efficiency...

This allows you to eat your favorite foods without guilt... and without feeling bloated.

Yes, even carbs!


Since I first released this video, I'm flattered it has gone “viral”...

It's been viewed over one million times – and gotten to the point where I'm receiving dozens of thank you letters every single day from people all around the world!

People like Wendy. She writes:

“Dr. Amy Lee, thank you for this video. I used your 4 natural ways to improve my digestion and my tummy feels better and looks slimmer. My bathroom habits are normal again and thanks to #3 I don't crave junk any more”

… and Lisa from Agoura, California writes,

“Thank you Dr. Lee. I always thought I'd have to change my diet to lose weight and I just couldn't motivate myself to do it for more than a few weeks. This has made it much easier and I couldn't be happier with the way I

look – I never thought I could be this thin again!”

I love getting these letters. It's amazing what a BIG difference a few small changes can make to your body!

So let's get started...

Oh, before I do, I encourage you to grab a pencil and paper... or open up a word doc to take some notes – because while this presentation is brief, I'm going to share some things you will want to write down

These are the same tips I give my celebrity patients here in Los Angeles... who pay me thousands of dollars to help them shed fat quickly for new movie roles

However, I'm giving it all away FREE today, because I feel it's time you were told the Real Truth about fat loss... and you shouldn't have to come to Los Angeles or be a movie star to get it

I swear on the degrees and certifications given to me by the American Board of Internal Medicine, the National Board of Physician Nutrition Specialists, and the American Board of Obesity Medicine to give you nothing but the


This information comes from my years of experience helping everyone from those who need to get “bikini ready” for summer... to severe cases where patients need to lose large amounts of weight quickly or risk of a

life-ending heart attack.

Regardless of your situation, I'm confident this information – if you apply it – will give you the results you are looking for

So put your phone on airplane mode for a minute here, and get ready to take some notes.

What you are about to see and hear will shock you. But it could also change your life.

Let's start with Harmful Foods

Harmful Food # 1 is Yogurt

Did you know that General Mills, “Yoplait” Yogurt – which is also marketed to children as “yogurt pops” called, “Go-GURT”

– contains TWICE as much sugar as an entire bowl of their cereal, “Lucky Charms”?!

Yes, it's true.

The way yogurt is marketed makes me sick.

Fortunately, our American court system agrees. In 2013, General Mills paid 8.5 million dollars to settle a class-action lawsuit that claimed their Greek Yogurt was not even a “yogurt” at all!

Beware of any yogurt with added sugars – keep in mind a 6 oz yogurt should have about 13 grams of naturally occurring sugar from milk!

So anything over 20 grams is a big no-no.

Also beware of any yogurt claiming to give you probiotic benefits. When yogurt is pasteurized, it kills off many of those good bacteria... so unless you're making your yogurt at home, you're not going to get enough

probiotic benefits to make a noticeable difference in your digestive tract.

Also – steer clear of any yogurt containing the #1 fat-forming ingredient, High-fructose Corn Syrup!

That leads me to my #2 Harmful Food:

Wheat Bread

You may have heard brown bread is better for you than white bread.

Yes, that can be true, however, again, the big companies are taking advantage of you here.

Both Wonder Bread Stoneground 100% Whole Wheat and Pepperidge Farm 100% Whole Wheat Cinnamon Raisin Swirl Bread contain large amounts of my #1 fat-forming Ingredient, High-fructose Corn Syrup.

A 2004 study done at the University of Louisiana Medical Center by Dr. George A. Bray linked High-fructose Corn Syrup to the rising rate of obesity in the United States, and I agree.

Why is it so bad?

20 times sweeter than sugar, Fructose is a chemical that isn't recognized by our brains.

High-fructose Corn Syrup confuses your Ghrelin, which is the hormone that tells you when you are hungry.

It also disrupts Leptin production, which is the "I'm full" hormone.

When these 2 hormones are out of whack, you never know when you are full!

So what does your body do?

It tells you to eat more and more and more!

Dr. David Kessler, former head of the Food & Drug Administration,

recently appeared on CBS News exposing how High-fructose Corn Syrup literally forces your brain to make you eat more than you should!

If you've found yourself addicted to carbs or sweets, this is probably why

In a minute, I'm going to show you my natural fix for kicking this addiction... which alone could help you hit your weight goal – as if you are currently addicted, you may be eating for two

Doctors have said it to be 8 times as addictive as cocaine or heroin... and new evidence shows over 80% of the American population could be hooked.

After what I've seen from my experience, I agree

You see, one thing our bodies are extremely good at is turning unknown substances into fat

The reason we do this dates back to how our bodies were designed – thousands of years ago, when we got our food by “hunting and gathering”

Because we never knew when the next meal was coming, our bodies would store fat in case of tough times

When you consume things like sugar or High-fructose Corn Syrup – things our bodies were never designed to digest – our body gets confused

So, it does the only thing it knows how to do with the foreign substance...

It adds it to your waist line... love handles... or butt!

So beware of any food that contains High-fructose Corn Syrup.

You might as well be pouring fat into your waistline!

That brings me to my #3 Harmful Food:

Cereal Bars

Kellogg's “Special K” is marketed as one of the premiere “healthy” cereals on the shelf

Yet in Special K Vanilla Crisp Cereal Bars, sugar is a component of the first ingredient, and then emerges again as... Corn syrup!

Fiber One Oats & Chocolate bars contain corn syrup, sugar, high maltose corn syrup, sugar cane fiber and fructose

Honey Nut Cheerios Milk 'n' Cereal Bars have sugar, brown sugar syrup, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, and plain old fructose

That's a recipe for plain old weight gain... if you ask me

Ok, now that I've told you the 3 Foods you must avoid, it's time for me to share my 4 Natural Fat Loss Helpers...

However, before I do, I need to warn you:

These 4 Fat Loss Helpers can allow you to “get away” with eating more of the foods that aren't great for you... as they will help your body better digest them, and turn them into energy, instead of fat

However, there is one carb you should NEVER eat... no matter what.

Can you guess how this carb is marketed to you?

If you guessed, “As a health food,” you are correct!

This carb is marketed to you in the form of a “fat free” potato chip

It's scientific name is, “Olestra”

Olestra was created by Procter & Gamble to be a calorie and cholesterol-free fat substitute.

However, soon after Olestra appeared on the market, my colleagues and I fought back...

We started educating the public to the dangers of this nasty carb

So how did the food conglomerates respond?

They renamed it... to “Olean”!

Isn't that sneaky?

Not only did they change the name to try and fool you... they put the word “lean” in it!

It's truly appalling – however all the more reason we the public need to educate ourselves – so give yourself a pat on the back for watching this presentation today – and don't forget to share it with the people you care


Now, Olestra, or “Olean”, has now been studied by many of my peers

Their tests show it is FAR WORSE than gluten, or any other carb you can eat!

This is because BLOCKS your body from absorbing essential vitamins A, D, E, and K.

Common reactions include diarrhea, cramps, and leaky bowels

… and that is just the start of the havoc this unnatural, addictive carb can wreak on your digestive system

It's no wonder Olean is banned in Canada, China, and the EU

Whatever you do, do not eat this ugly carb... whether you are using my 4 Natural Fat Loss Helpers or not!

Here are the brands it is found in:

The sad truth, there are more dangerous carbs like Olean out there... and the food conglomerates are inventing new ones every single day

Unless you go on an all-organic diet, and prepare it in your own kitchen, today in 2018 it's nearly impossible to know exactly what you are putting into your body

The sugar and sweetener content of our foods has increased by a factor of 20X over the last 50 years

Sugars are being added to things you would never expect...

For example, here is a bratwurst from Germany...

… and here is one from America....

What's the difference?

Yep, you guessed it.

The American Bratwurst contains 50 milligrams of added sugar!

It's no wonder the rate of obesity in Germany stays around 10%... while in America it is at 34% and climbing!

Here's what's really interesting to me...

If you look at the diet of our country versus Germany... the German diet appears to WORSE...

Lots of fatty meats. Pretzels and fried dishes – called Schnitzel – are the most popular foods!

Yet Americans are 3 times as fat!

Years ago, when a patient would come to me and ask for advice on losing weight, I would first tell them:

“Exercise more”

However, in this day and age of FAKE health food and beverages...

Exercise is no longer enough.

Right about now you may be wondering if it's possible to lose weight without going on an extreme diet... or cutting out sugars and sweeteners completely...

The good news is yes, it is

The truth is... I HATE diets!

It seems like every few years a new diet pops up, and thousands upon thousands of people rush to give it a try...

This is good!

Don't get me wrong, I think diet is a good way to give your body a break from bad foods

However, the thing I dislike is...

Dieting is temporary

Unless you have the discipline to make a diet permanent, it often creates a “roller coaster” of losing weight... then gaining it back...

Nod your head if this has ever happened to you!

This is why I don't recommend dieting as the best way to slim down

I feel the same way about “cleansing”

Have you ever tried a “cleanse”... then a few days later found yourself back to eating the same bad stuff?

These are the reasons why I do NOT recommend dieting or cleansing to my patients, or to you

Instead of doing something temporary, I recommend you take a

Lifestyle Approach

A Lifestyle Approach a strategy that

Works with your busy life

Doesn't require drastic change

Gets you the results you want to see and feel

and last but not least:

Is easy to maintain

Surprisingly, the Lifestyle Approach I'm going to spell out for you now can often result in fat loss FASTER than “crash dieting”...

… and the best part?

It requires just ONE simple change, that takes just 3 minutes a day... and gives your body support in burning fat all day

Here is a graph on how fat loss work can when you go on a crash diet...

… and here is a graph of how your fat loss can work when you take a Lifestyle Approach

Sure, it begins slower... however, notice how your weight is much more likely to stay off over the years

Which would you prefer?

If you are trying to drop 5 sizes in a week, then go ahead and click away now

That's simply not possible to do in safe manner, without surgery

However, if you would like to

watch your weight get lower and lower each and every day...

Give your body the best chance at lasting weight loss that makes you feel great about the way you look...

Not have to worry about your fat ever coming back

and still enjoy your favorite foods

… then very pay close attention to what I'm about to say

I urge you to combine the 4 things I'm about to share with you with daily physical activity for maximum results.

However, if you fear your busy schedule may get in the way of daily exercise, then it's even more critical you take action here

While the information I'm going to share with you now is simple, it's taken me 2 decades of helping overweight patients get slim to discover it...

I can confidently say that what I am about to show you is something you have never seen before with any weight loss system, diet plan, workout regimen... or anything else...

You see... most approaches try to go after the fat on your body directly...

They either

tell you to burn it off with intense exercise


tell you to starve it off with an extreme diet

Instead, I'm going to recommend you start at the SOURCE

I'm talking about your Digestive System

As you know, your Digestive System exists to help you process food

Food contains the building blocks of your body's tissues, and is the source of your body's energy

However, today's food is very different from that of our ancestors

As I showed you with the 3 Harmful Foods, we often eat things our body has no idea how to turn into tissue or energy!

And do you remember what your body does when it ingests something unknown?

If you said, “turns it into fat”, you are absolutely correct

Here's a little jingle I tell my patients to help them remember this:

Your Digestive System can either make you energy... or it can make you fat... but it cannot make both!

Let me say that again, because this is important:

Your Digestive System can either make you energy, or it can make you fat... but it cannot make both!

So what is your Digestive System doing now?

Do you find yourself having lots of energy... or sluggish?

Do you need caffeine to get yourself through the day?

If you've found yourself having LESS energy, and gaining MORE weight... I can tell you as a medical professional... your Digestive System is to blame

Noted Weight Loss Expert Dr. Jeremy Webster agrees. In his words:

“Poor digestion is one of the common causes of weight gain. If you can not breakdown your food, absorb your nutrients and eliminate toxins effectively, your metabolism will suffer and you will most likely gain weight.”

Here are a few other “warning signs” your Digestive System could be responsible for excess body fat:

Food sensitivities (yes, I'm talking about dairy, or gluten)


Excessive trips to the bathroom... or not being able to go to the bathroom completely

Skin breakouts

Low libido, or for men, lack of bedroom performance

Bloating, gas, or cramps

Bladder issues or infections (including yeast infections)


Inability to concentrate, or “brain fog”

Allergy flare-ups

as well as

Low immune function

Do you find yourself suffering from any of these things?

If you do, your Digestive System needs more support.

The good news is once you begin giving it the support it needs... you may notice not just fat loss... but a disappearance of other bothersome issues

It's amazing how much improving your digestion can improve every area of your body

And that brings us to my 4 Natural Fat Loss Helpers

Because you see, while I call them,“Fat Loss Helpers”... what they really are is “Digestive System Helpers”

There are 4 of them, because they each fight one of the 4 enemies of poor digestion:

1. Food Preservatives

Bad Gut Bacteria


Slow Metabolism

My 1st Natural Fat Loss Helper is best explained with a hilarious – yet freaky story...

It was going around the internet last year... perhaps you saw it...

David Wrinkle discovered an old McDonald's hamburger in a coat pocket...

A burger that had been aged for 14 years!

When opening it up, he was shocked to discover...

It looked exactly the same as a FRESH McDonald's burger!


The answer is simple:

It was packed to the CORE with preservatives

And the sad truth is it's not just McDonald's food...

Much of the food you encounter every day is the same

Breads... meats... canned foods... anything the big food manufacturers want to stay fresh longer... so they have a bigger window to sell it to you... and a better chance of making a profit

What preservatives do is prevent bacteria from breaking down food.

Here's the problem:

They make it very tough for your stomach to break it down as well... or... even KNOW that it's food at all!

The preservatives form a “block” around the food... and do you remember what your body does when it finds something foreign?

Yep, it turns it into fat.

That, or it runs it straight out of your body, UNDIGESTED.

This is why preservatives are responsible for many digestive problems you may have experienced...

Too many trips to the bathroom...

Bloating and gas...

Heartburn or indigestion...

or most often... Constipation

One thing that doesn't help matters is how FAST we eat our food these days...

You may have heard that you are supposed to chew each bite of food 40 times.

This can help our battle against preservatives, however, in today's busy world, many of us forget.

Another issue with preservatives is they make it hard for our bodies to get all of the nutrients from our food

This can put your body in a mode of “Fat Storage”.

When you are not getting enough nutrients... your body holds on to the fat it has... just in case nutrients stop coming in

It's a protection mechanism that can make it almost IMPOSSIBLE to lose weight.

If you've tried dieting or exercising but still couldn't lose those stubborn pounds, this is probably why...

Fortunately, Mother Nature has a solution to help fight preservatives... and this will also help you if you're a fast eater...

Take 3 powerful nutrients called, Amylase, Bromelain, and Lipase before you eat.

These 3 nutrients are “digestive enzymes” - powerful natural extracts that cut through preservatives and aid your body in the process of digesting food.

However, do not go and grab any bottle of “digestive enzymes” off of the shelf, as not all are created equal...

It's critical that you get one that contains these 3 nutrients, as each one plays a different role in breaking down proteins, carbohydrates, and fats...

Bromelain also has properties that fight inflammation... and support digestion of grains

If you've ever wondered how celebrities and wealthy folks stay so thin... well there's a good chance that one of the tricks they use is to carry these 3 digestive enzymes around with them... and take them with every meal!

They allow you to get maximum amount of nutrients out of everything you eat – yes, even carbs!

That is what makes them my 1st Natural Fat Loss Helper

… and... they are proven to work...

In one study that followed 260 people using digestive enzymes over a 7-month period, 90% reported experiencing positive results, which included:

Weight loss

Foods tolerated


Energy level


Overall appearance

As a physician, I can tell you that a 90% success rate when it comes to just about anything is phenomenal!

Ok, now for my Natural Fat Loss Helper #2

This thing is called a “Candida”... and he is NOT a helper...

Candida is a form of yeast that lives in your digestive tract, along with 25 TRILLION other bacteria.

It's ok to have a small amount of Candida in your body... however, can you guess what Candida feed on?

If you guessed “sugar” and “sweeteners”, you are absolutely correct.

Sugar feeds Candida... to the point where they can began to OVERGROW in your stomach...

… and we all know how much sugar we Americans are now consuming every single day...

When Candida overgrow, they can begin to spill through your entire Gastrointestinal Tract... and into your blood stream

These yeast and fungi particles can wreak chaos throughout your entire body... depriving you of energy... slowing down your metabolism... causing “brain fog” and hurting your concentration...

They are also the culprit responsible for yeast infections... and when you have gas, or bloating... it's often because these bad bacteria are feasting on the sugar in something you ate

However, here's the really scary part...

These bacteria have also been known to hijack hormones... and create cravings you may not have had before...

Yes, you heard me right

Candida and its ugly bacteria friends force you to begin craving the foods THEY want.

Next time you find yourself craving carbs, or sweets, or pizza or pasta... know that it's probably just those bad bacteria down there, yelling, “feed me more sugar!”

Candida is one of the theories why sugar and High-fructose Corn Syrup are so addictive.

… put your hand on your stomach right now...

If you feel more fat there than you would like to... you may have these bad bacteria to blame

You see, not only can these yeasts clog up your system, slow your metabolism, and make you crave bad foods... they also make it much harder for your good bacteria to get the nutrients out of your food...

You'd think it'd be hard enough with all of the preservatives...

Now your good bacteria has to fight your way through these bad fungus too!

Once the fungus is addressed, many of my patients report feeling as though a weight was taken from their stomachs...

As Doctors Carolyn Dean and William Crook declared in their 2005 book,

“The Yeast Connection and Women's Health”:

“Most women don’t have even an inkling that their symptoms could be caused by yeast overgrowth in their bodies. The number of women suffering in silence, not even knowing what is really wrong – and blaming themselves for

failing – is, I believe, literally numbered in the millions. Millions of women who can’t lose weight and have no idea why!”

~ Dr. William Crook , M.D., & Dr. Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D.

For men, I feel this can be even more true...

Fortunately, as bad as this problem can be – the solution is easy... and its source is Mother Nature...

You may have already heard about Probiotics

What probiotics are are clusters of good bacteria... that you can now take in BILLIONS... in one little capsule... that go into your digestive tract and HELP against the bad bacteria...

You see, the good news is you don't need to completely eliminate the bad bacteria to start getting your digestive system working properly again

You can start burning fat faster just by simply getting the right ratio of bacteria... which I've found working with many patients over the years to be approximately

75% good bacteria : 25% bad

Never have more of my fellows doctors stressed the importance of adding something to your system than they have Probiotics.

Dr. Allan Walker, Professor of Nutrition and Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, recently stated:

“Evidence from clinical research demonstrates that adding ‘good’ bacteria to the diet promotes a healthy digestive and immune system.”

~ Dr. Allan Walker, Harvard Medical School

And... Dr. Michael F. Roizen, New York Times best-selling author, and Chief Wellness Officer at the Cleveland Clinic, feels the same way:

“Taking probiotics is a habit that can really benefit the digestive system, which is intricately connected to our overall health.”

~ Dr. Michael F. Roizen, M.D.

It's certainly more beneficial than a multi-vitamin... as the benefits are felt right away... and all throughout your body...

Many are surprised to learn that balancing the bacteria in your digestive tract will often even boost your sex drive! As every part of your body begins to work faster...

Be forewarned though – not all Probiotics are created equal

With their surge in popularity, many companies are releasing Probiotics containing cheap strains that dissolve in your stomach before they reach the critical intestinal tract.

Dr. David Perlmutter, New York Times best-selling author of the book, “Grain Brain”, recommends you choose a probiotic that contains at least 10 unique strains of bacteria... and at least 10 Billion Colony-Forming-Units per

capsule, and I agree

UPDATE: I now have a trusted source for high-grade probiotics, as well as digestive enzymes, that can ship them to you directly and save you a lot of money. I will share it with you at the end of this presentation

And that leads me to my Natural Fat Loss Helper #3...

To explain this one... I want to ask you a question – please answer it honestly:

Have you ever told yourself “just one bite”...

… then... before you knew it... you ate the entire thing?!

We've all been there.

I've even declined desserts out at a restaurant to look healthy in front of my friends... then stopped at the mini market on the way home for ice cream or donuts!

As someone who lives in America and eats a diet that probably isn't much different from yours, I know firsthand just how strong your cravings can be

That is why my 3rd trick may be the most effective fat buster of all for you...

This helper addresses a problem nearly all my patients have had who were once overweight... and one that can wreak havoc on your digestion.

I'm talking about Overeating

Overeating hurts your digestive system, because your body can only digest so much food in one day.

The rest of it?

You guessed it – it gets turned into fat.

As we discussed earlier, the food cravings we get are not always natural...

Fructose makes us think we aren't full, when in reality, we are

Candida can hijack our hormones, and cause us to crave sugars and carbs

… and we all know how strong emotional eating and bad eating habits can be... like popcorn during a movie...

How can you fight back?

Well, there is always strict discipline

However again, I'd like to recommend to you a solution to kicking those cravings, that requires less willpower... so you have a higher chance of success...

Once again... Mother Nature can help!

I want to introduce you to a nutrient called,

“Caralluma Fimbriata”

Caralluma Fimbriata is the extract of a root that has been used for centuries to reduce the appetite

Tribal hunters in India would go into the forest carrying no food with them – just a couple of pieces of this root – as they did not want the additional weight of food to slow them down

Ingesting this root would reduce their hunger cravings... to the point where they would not need food for several days!

And now... modern day studies have been done proving its effectiveness in reducing appetite... and reducing waist measurement

A 60 day, double-blind, randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial was conducted on 50 subjects, at the St. John's National Academy of Health Sciences

The study showed significant results for

Waist circumference*

Hunger level*

*when combined with healthy diet and exercise

Another human clinical trial was performed at Victoria University, in Melbourne, Australia...

In this study, a 12-week randomized, placebo-controlled study was conducted on 43 obese and overweight subjects.

The study measured the effect of Caralluma Fimbriata on waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratio, among other factors. The study showed statistically significant results for:

Waist circumference (positively correlated with a reduction in abdominal fat)*

Waist-to-hip ratio decline*

Significant decline in palatability of test meal and reduced sodium intake*

*when combined with healthy diet and exercise

It's these reasons why Caralluma Fimbriata is my

number 1 recommendation for emotional eaters

If you are an emotional eater wanting to hit your weight loss goals, this is a must...

For as you may know, our emotions can TRICK US into being hungry

Caralluma Fimbriata acts in your brain center... to modify your hunger drive

Yet, it's also Certified Organic, per USDA Organic Standards

… and unlike many other appetite suppressants, it's FDA GRAS Notified... and affirmed safe by 6 studies

That means it's a totally safe tool to help with your weight management

The best part?

No jitters!

It's clinically proven to help you suppress emotional food cravings... without affecting your mood

It's for these reasons I consider Caralluma Fimbriata one of your most powerful allies to hit your weight loss goals

Now I'd like to introduce you to my 4th and final Natural Fat Loss Helper... that just might be the most powerful digestive aid of all...

It's called, EGCG

EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant, more commonly known as Green Tea Extract.

Green tea has been used for centuries to help with bloating and digestion. This is why, when you eat at a Japanese restaurant, it is often served complementary after your meal.

ECGC is Green Tea Extract in its purest form.

It's also proven metabolism booster...

As weight loss expert Tim Ferriss says in his best-selling book, “The 4-Hour Body”

“Green Tea Extract inhibits the storage of excess carbohydrates as bodyfat and preferentially diverts them to muscle cells. EGCG appears to increase programmed cell death (apoptosis) in mature fat cells. This means that these hard-to-kill bastards commit suicide. The ease with which people regain fat is due to a certain “fat memory” (the size of fat cells decreases, but not the number), which makes EGCG a fascinating candidate for

preventing the horrible rebounding most dieters experience.”

What this means in English is that ECGC goes into your digestive system... and fires it up!

Combined with exercise, it's one of the best ways to boost your Fat Oxidation Rate – that is the rate your body burns fat all day long... and even at night while you are sleeping.

After several studies with mice showed that ECGC helped them dramatically reduce body fat, researchers moved on to human trials...

And found it had the exact same effect!

In one such study, scientists discovered that ingesting Green Tea Extract before a 30-minute cycling exercise increased people’s Fat Oxidation Rate by an average of 17%...

Is it any surprise that Japan is ranked LAST in the entire world in terms of obesity?

Ok, so now you know my 4 Natural Fat Loss Helpers

While each can help you hit your fat loss goals, the real power is how these 4 things combine together to give you optimal weight management support


Mother Nature did NOT intend for you to be walking around with excess fat!

However, if you were born after the year 1942, it's very likely you have NEVER had a fully supported digestive system.

That's because since the year 1950, so many preservatives, sugars, and sweeteners have been added to our American food supply, our digestive systems have not been able to keep up.

I estimate that 80% of all Americans suffer from poor digestion.

And I also estimate that 100% of people who are overweight have poor digestion at least partially to blame.

It's not your fault you may be carrying around extra pounds... however you CAN do something about it.

So now, I'd like to invite you to get started.

I've been recommending digestive support with these 4 natural nutrients for many years now – I've seen literally dozens of patients have life-changing results...

However, in the past, taking them meant a lot of pill counting for my patients, and a fair amount of expense

After seeing too many of them having to stop a treatment that was working due to financial reasons... I decided to take matters into my own hands

I decided to create a supplement incorporating all 4 nutrients in the specific quantities and potencies one would need to see the fastest results

This way, my patients could simply take ONE pill with each meal

Since probiotics are the most difficult nutrient to find in high quality, I decided to reach out to the company that manufactured my favorite brand of probiotics first

That company is Nucific, a California laboratory who produces what my patients and I have found to be the most effective probiotic blend for improving gut bacteria balance

To my delight, their formulators were familiar with my other 3 fat-busting nutrients, and together we engineered a digestive supplement so powerful, I feel if word spreads, it could single handedly end the obesity epidemic

in America.

One thing is for sure: Any citizen of America who wants to lose weight quickly will see instant benefits from from this massive boost in digestive support

Because it combines the 4 most potent nutrients I know of for optimal weight management, I decided to call this compound,


BIO X4 is a cutting edge compound containing a proprietary blend of

3 Digestive Enzymes -

Amylase – assists you in breaking down carbohydrates

Lipase – assists you in breaking down fats

Bromelain – assists you in breaking down proteins, and is a potent anti-inflammatory


4 Billion Colony-Forming-Units Per Capsule, in 5 unique strains engineered to penetrate and support your entire digestive tract. This is equivalent to 12 Billion Colony-Forming-Units of beneficial bacteria each day!

Caralluma Fimbriata

166 mg per capsule, to help you kick your cravings for bad foods

EGCG (Green Tea Extract)

100 mg per capsule – to support faster metabolism

… all combined into one easy-to-swallow pill, to give you support with each meal

Here's what just a few users have had to say:

“My entire life has changed. I can shop at the stores I never could before, and even bought some sexy lingerie to wear with my husband. The best part is I no longer crave bad foods. Every diet failed for me but this is

easy. Thank you for giving me my life back.”

~ Betty Jean

Hawthorne, California

“The weight loss took awhile to start, but then I started losing pounds very quickly! My tummy is much slimmer now, and I can eat cheese again without feeling sick. Thank you for this you can count me as a fan!”

~ Linda Seal

Buffalo, New York

“I had tossed my scale out because I didn't like weighing myself. I was tired of being disappointed. I didn't weigh myself until my husband and multiple friends noticed I was losing weight. When finally did I was down 20

lbs! I have 20 more to go and now I feel I can finally do it”

~ June Goldstein

Encinitas, California

Isn't that amazing?

Now, it’s important to note that BIO X4 is not a diet pill.

As anyone who has tried it will tell you... it is much much more than that....

To start, it's a natural way to give your digestive tract maximum support to process food efficiently...

It helps break down the sweeteners and preservatives in your foods... so you absorb more of the vitamins... have more “regular” bathroom habits... and start turning what you eat into ENERGY instead of ugly fat

BIO X4 is also a natural way to curb your appetite

You have less cravings... you don't eat as many foods you know are bad for you... and... start feeling full at the right times... no more overeating!

BIO X4 is also a natural way to support faster metabolism... targeting excess body fat that can lead to a slimmer tummy and fat falling off of your trouble areas... as your entire body begins to process what you eat more


… and lastly... BIO X4 is a natural way to support your immune health

… you are less likely to get sick... and it also helps you break the hold any bad bacteria may have on your digestive tract...

You'll no longer get cravings for foods they want... and no longer have yeast overgrowth bogging down your system.

You'll see and feel the benefits of purifying your entire body from the inside out

As you can see, BIO X4 is far more than a weight loss supplement. It's a complete digestive support compound... designed not only to help you reach your weight loss goals... but support you in obtaining total digestive


The way it works is simple:

Take one capsule of BIO X4 with each meal, 3 times a day

Then, let its powerful nutrients from Mother Nature do the rest

You'll see and feel results within DAYS... not weeks... as your path to a better body starts the moment you take it

Ok, I'm guessing by now you are eager to try BIO X4, so let's talk about how to get started:

If you were to come into my practice in Los Angeles... even just a few months ago... I would have suggested you get the nutrients at a vitamin store, individually.

You would have had to buy 3 unique digestive enzyme compounds, 2 high-end probiotic blends, one bottle of Caralluma Fimbriata capsules, and one bottle of 100 milligram EGCG capsules.

In all, you would have walked out of there with 7 different bottles, and it would have run you about $300 for just one month's supply...

It's easy to see why BIO X4 is so convenient… and, it also saves you considerable amounts of money.

When we engineered this formula, we took extra care to use only the purest and highest quality compounds.

Each is tested before it's put into your capsules – once by us, and once by an independent 3rd party, FDA-Approved Laboratory

This ensures purity, potency, and that there are no fillers, allergens or toxins whatever.

Every capsule is completely vegetarian, and contains no lactose, or glucose.

It's also packaged in a fresh-locked, glass bottle, that ensures no dangerous chemicals or additives can come in contact with your supplement... and keeps it fresh for 12 months from the date of purchase – no refrigeration


We do not bend from these high standards of quality high, despite the fact that it makes BIO X4 quite expensive to produce.


When this video first aired, we were selling BIO X4 for $99.99 a bottle – People happily paid it, and were overjoyed with the results!

Since then, we are flattered that this video has become a viral sensation!

Literally thousands of new viewers who are serious about losing weight are watching this presentation and ordering BIO X4 every single day!

It's been incredibly exciting... and the best part is we have been able to place much larger orders... allowing us to negotiate a lower prices from our compound growers.

In this situation, many companies would choose to keep their prices the same, and pocket the extra dollars... however, our vision for BIO X4 goes far beyond one transaction.

Nucific and I truly feel BIO X4 could be the key to ending the obesity epidemic in America... and that's why it's important to us to get it in the hands of as many people as possible.

So, you're not going to pay $99 dollars today.

In fact, you are not even going to pay half that.

Because want to empower YOU to make this year, 2018, the year you get the body you want... we've decided to price BIO X4 at just $49 per bottle!

That's a savings of $50... and if you consider how much you are saving over the cost of buying these nutrients individually, on your own – it's a savings of at least $200

However, there are 2 “catches” to this offer –

Let me explain:

Catch 1: This offer is valid for New Customers Only, for viewers of this presentation only, and for the next 24 hours only

If you are serious about getting BIO X4 at the lowest price we have ever offered it, you must act now.

Catch 2:

After you begin using BIO X4... we just ask from you one simple favor:

Once you begin to see and feel the fantastic benefits it has on your body... including:

Increased energy levels

More regular bathroom habits

Higher levels of focus

Better moods

Less bloating

And... being able to eat more of your favorite foods without having to worry about your stomach

… We ask that you tell your friends and family about BIO X4, by sharing with them this informative video presentation.

However, please keep the low price of $49 to yourself, as it will not be sold at that price for very long.

Fair enough?

I certainly hope so. We want this to be a “win-win” for everyone involved.

So go ahead and click on the link below, to try BIO X4 today

After all, at this low price, it's just a dollar and 31 cents a day to give your system total digestive and weight loss support.

That's much cheaper than buying a green juice every day... and these are results you will see and feel!

Not to mention when you consider the savings you'll have when you no longer crave sweets... and when you are eating LESS than you do now... but still feeling full... BIO X4 can practically pay for itself.

To make this even sweeter for you, everyone who gets in on today's special New Customer Offer will be grandfathered in at this price for all future orders – even if our regular price goes up

The reason is because we KNOW BIO X4 works! And we want to prove it to you. That's why we are putting our money where our mouth is.

Yes, there will be a couple of “bad seeds” out there who take advantage of us...

However, it's more important to us that we earn the trust of good folks who want to join our BIO X4 family.

Our goal is to earn your business the old fashioned way – by giving you a high quality product you love, at a fair price... and make you a happy customer for life.

So click on the link below, and try BIO X4 today.

When you do, you'll be taken to our Secure Server, that is encrypted with the latest 228-bit SSL Technology, for your total security.

Then, enter your billing and shipping information, and press the Order Button.

Nucific will process your order promptly, then send you out an email with your unique tracking number. All orders are sent with Priority Shipping, in a plain box for your privacy, within 24 hours.

And, as a part of this special New Customer Only offer, we are going to go ahead and cover the shipping cost of sending it out to you.

If you would prefer to place your order by phone, simply call the number on the upper right of your screen to reach one of our friendly Nucific associates, between the hours of 7am-7pm Pacific Time, Monday-Friday.

We pride ourselves in our outstanding customer service, and we look forward to wow'ing you! Our business is built on referrals, and we know if we earn your satisfaction you will have no problem sending your friends and

family our way.

Ok, that just about wraps this up.

I'm so excited for you to try BIO X4... and start experiencing the benefits for yourself.

You see, when it comes to your total body health, losing weight can be just the beginning...

It's different for everybody... however, here are some very common and welcome “side effects” my patients report:

Better sleep

Higher energy levels

Improved mood

Reduced post-meal sluggishness

Reduced caffeine cravings

More regular bathroom habits

Increased sex drive

Getting sick less often

Clearer skin


Your digestive tract contains 60% of your body’s cells!

So it should be no surprise giving it support can make you feel like a whole new person

At the same time... before I go, I feel it's important we talk about the costs of not moving forward – because this is not a problem that fixes itself...

As noted Weight Loss Expert Dr. Jeremy Webster says:

“Those with poor digestion will not sufficiently absorb B-vitamins, iron, magnesium or any of the other nutrients required to burn calories. The result is fatigue and excess body fat.

When you are unable to eliminate waste properly due to poor digestion, your body will suffer from toxic build-up. Many toxins cause your body to retain body fat and excess water. The result is sluggishness, puffiness and

difficulty losing weight.”

That's why it's so important to take action now... and give your digestive system the support it needs to start turning your food into ENERGY... and burning away that fat that may have been plaguing you for who knows how

many years...

I promise you – once you get your system back on track, you’ll be so amazed at how much better you feel... the “old days” of carrying around excess fat will feel like a distant memory...

And it's such a great feeling to know you NEVER have to go back to those days again.

So click on the button below to give BIO X4 a try today. And remember our Money Back Guarantee.

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the BIO X4 family.

I'm Dr. Amy Lee

Still here? If so I'm guessing it's because you still have some questions about BIO X4. So I want to take a moment to answer some of the common questions we receive now...

First Question: How will I know it's working?

My Answer: Simple – you will feel it!

Increased energy, better sleep, more regular bathroom habits, and better moods. These are just a few of the benefits you can notice in the first few days.

The deeper benefits may take a little longer to set in... however, these are the ones you will SEE when you look in the mirror... and FEEL when you get on the scale!

These nutrients really do work like magic together. Many are surprised to discover just how powerful Mother Nature's fixes can be. But when you think about the strength of caffeine...

or the fact that even Aspirin is made from the bark of a tree... it's easy to see that there are some fantastic solutions out there waiting to be discovered.

BIO X4 combines 4 of Nature's most powerful nutrients and if your improved digestive support doesn't convince you... what you will see in the mirror after using it will!

2nd Question: Is It Safe?


BIO X4 is made up of entirely natural ingredients. It's packaged in kosher, gluten-free, allergen-free capsules, that you can take them no matter what your dietary restrictions.

That said, we recommend consulting your doctor before beginning any supplement routine.

We encourage you to bring your doctor your bottle of BIO X4 and ask if they feel the ingredients will help you lose weight, and support your digestion. We think you'll be very pleased with what they say!

Question # 3: How do I take BIO X4?

For best results, take 1 capsule of BIO X4 with every meal – breakfast, lunch and dinner.

By supplementing your meals with BIO X4, you support your body in getting the maximum amount of vitamins, digesting your food easily, and assistance in turning that food into ENERGY that keeps you charged throughout your


Many users tell us after a few weeks that they no longer need caffeine. It can be surprising at just how much energy you have when your digestion is fully supported!

What happens if I miss a day?

Ideally, you want to take BIO X4 on a consistent, daily basis, to allow your body to build up an effective level of nutrients, enzymes and beneficial bacteria.

But don’t panic – in the event you miss a dose, or even an entire day, just proceed as normal the next day.

You can also feel free to take an extra capsule or two when eating spicy foods, dairy, or anything your stomach could use extra support in digesting

Do I have to refrigerate BIO X4?

The ingredients in BIO X4 are freeze-dried in a solid state, including the probiotic organisms, so there is no refrigeration required.

As long as the bottle is kept around room temperature, you can travel with them with no worries of quality decreasing.

Our specially formulated glass bottles also prevent heat, light and air from degrading the quality if the ingredients, so you can be sure they’re coming to you in premium condition.

Does it contain caffeine?

BIO X4 contains EGCG, otherwise known as Green Tea Extract, which has trace amounts of caffeine, however it is so small you will not notice it

How long before I start seeing results?

Everyone's system is different, but I feel you should give BIO X4 at least 30 days to work its full magic, and some folks really start to see dramatic results after 60 days.

If you’re taking the recommended dosage of 3 capsules daily, getting your regular exercise, and not overdoing it on carbs and sweets, you will start seeing results within those first 1-2 months.

And once that weight starts coming off, you can expect it to stay off... along with feeling healthier, happier, and more energetic!

And here’s a question I received from Sarah in Plainview, NY:

“I've been taking BIO X4 for a little over 1 month. My tummy looks much slimmer... but I've also noticed my skin has stopped breaking out. Is this common?

Hi Sarah, congratulations! And yes, that is something we hear a lot.

You see, a your digestive tract provides “fuel” for all of your other organs, once it begins performing at its peak, your other organs often follow suit.

Your skin is actually the LARGEST organ in your body... so it's no surprise that getting it the nutrients it needs can give you clearer, healthier looking skin... and make you feel fresher and happier!”

And the last question – Can I buy BIO X4 in stores?

This time, the answer is no. In order to maintain our high standards of quality yet still keep our prices low, we've decided to cut out the middle man and deliver BIO X4 straight to you.

And now, with this special New Customer Only Offer, you can get it at the lowest price we've ever offered!

Ok, so what are you waiting for? Click on the button below, and place your order now.

And let me be the first to congratulate you on this wise decision to invest in your health and happiness.